Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge

Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge

What makes a man?
What makes a good man, or at least one who can…

Express himself and have emotional literacy
Contribute to society,
Live a fulfilling life
Enjoy positive relationships

Care about his fellow humans and
Show respect to and Enjoy the respect of his community?

How can we help young men and boys find their way through the plethora of messages and influences on their vision of what it is to be a man?

With the rise of figures such as Andrew Tate, Trump, Musk, and the messages of machismo & toxic masculinity, these questions have become ever more urgent, to help boys to understand a model of masculinity that is positive, caring, responsible and wholesome.

Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge (with Jonathan Brown) offers families support in tackling these issues.

What is Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge?

Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge is a non-judgemental space where boys and young men can safely explore their emerging manhood, in a format that is fun, interactive, creative, and that honours both their own growth, and the need to clarify and examine developing values.

Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge offers a collection of experiences to boys and young men, enabling them to…

Play… with their own story of being a boy and a man.

Create… clear narratives of what a man is.

Talk… about their own journeys.

We look at these KEY ZONES of exploration…

  1. Check… the Respect… learning about respect versus fear
  2. Explore… The “Rules” of being a Man: What unspoken codes am I taking in, are they  right for me?
  3. Unpick… Objectification – how do I see others? How do I see myself?
  4. Ask… Am I safe to be around?
  5. Understand... Consent: Hearing No, Speaking No
  6. Wonder… what do I need to control, what can I let go of?
  7. Decide… Am I Safe? Risk taking behaviour, Peer Pressure, Machismo
  8. Explore…who do I want to become?
  9. Learn… Reaching Out – asking for help without feeling weak.

How do we deliver?

What happens in the group?

Boys will…

Themes will include:


We want the boys that we’ve work with to come away changed and starting to…



Jonathan Brown is Artistic Director of Something Underground.

Jonathan is a trained teacher, former Head of Physics, mediator, and currently group facilitator, holder of men’s spaces, writer, performer and director.
Amongst other experience, Jonathan is trained in facilitation group work, mediation, in Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed (Forum Theatre) techniques, the Fool, the Clown, dance, puppetry, theatre. He has held outreach workshops for boys at risk in a professional theatrical setting, is adept at creating innovative programmes, has worked in a wide variety of school and work place settings, including a National Helpline, PRU’s, prisons, with excluded boys, boys in care, boys who are missing school through mental illness. He is the long-term holder of the men’s space at the annual Buddhafield Family Retreat and is a multi-award-winning writer and performer.
He has spent time with/worked with/been in conversation with/learned from Robert Bly, Martine Prechtel, Jonathan Kay, Gary Zukav, M. Scott Peck, Steve Biddulph and many others. He has spent time at various Men’s Conferences in the USA, Australia and the UK, and has danced and performed in the USA, Germany and across the UK. Jonathan has been on retreats on ancient Native American land, aboriginal land, and within the UK.
He’s been a member of various men’s groups since 1997, in Brighton, Bristol & Lewes, and his current mens group has been running for around 6 years.

Jonathan’s last two plays have looked carefully at gang culture, radicalisation, boys at risk, and grooming. The latter of which is a Bruntwood Prize Longlister. Jonathan has two children and has been a home educator for 16 years. He has a cat called Lisa.

Jonathan has current enhanced DBS disclosure and will send you a link to this before commencement of the programme.

Jonathan has been partnering / co-leading with other men’s work/theatrical practitioners such as BandofBrothers facilitator Mark Nightingale

Book your place on the course

Rites for Boys @ The Men’s Lodge is a weekly practice.

When: We meet for 2 hours 10am – 12 Noon every Sat morning (term times) usually for 10 weekends (this can change depending on term shapes).

Commitment: We ask for at least one term’s commitment to help build safety and a sense of belonging and togetherness. This is not a drop-in.

Group Size: We limit the group to 12 participants to build intimacy. 

Age: The Group is aimed at 10-12 yr olds.

What is discussed in the The Group is confidential. There are other ground rules which we have in place to help build a safe and respectful space. 

Where: We meet in Lewes.

We invite male parents or any parent to also participate (at home) via occasional activity suggestions that we send home to you.

Cost: The sessions are £15 per 2 hour session. We ask for a term’s commitment, but we offer a payment plan in two equal installments. We suggest the boys do some work to earn money to contribute even a small amount to the costs of the course. This gives them ownership, agency, a sense of pride and responsibility.
We will also have a limited number of concessionary places. Please get in touch to discuss.

What to do next? 

(i) Download our Letter to Boys Download
that helps describe the group. You can then discuss it with them, together, to see if it’s for them. 

(ii)  If you and he are still interested, please feel free to get in touch, again without any commitment, to ask any questions.

(iii) To decide whether this is right for them, we’ll meet for a free no-strings one hour Get to know you / Introductory Session (free) on @ 10am 29th March 2025, in Lewes. Click this button to sign up for that.

(iv) If it feels like it’s for him, then, Book onto the group for One Term initially. You can pay in two instalments and at the end of the first term, you can review if it’s working for him. 

We’ll start this the next set of full sessions on Sat  26 April 2025 @ 10am, Lewes.

Book your place on the course